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27/12/2024 07:49
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Date Title Arranger Composer Rating
27/07/04 Human Race (Tune 5) Romeo Knight Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
28/07/04 Dragons Lair 2 (Cheesy Rodriguez Remix) Maindrian Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
28/07/04 Sun for Fun (part10) Dafunk Péter Varga (Griff) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/07/04 Sapiens not Homo gol Gilles Soulet Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/07/04 Driller (Subtractor Remix) elwood-id Matt Gray Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/07/04 Glider Rider (minimalist) gol David Whittaker Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/07/04 Delta (borst remix) jgb Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
02/08/04 Euro-Dance (Trance Mix) Eric Delos Søren Lund (Jeff) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
02/08/04 Kaos (From The Past Remix) Hazel Markus Schneider Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
02/08/04 In Karate (spacesynth remix) Cirdan Reyn Ouwehand Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
12/08/04 Golden Axe (kitsch mix) gol Jeroen Tel Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
12/08/04 Mindsmear (Orchestral Mix) ACP Barry Leitch Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
12/08/04 Human Race tune4 (above the clouds mix) Saul Cross Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
12/08/04 Master of Magic (faerytale mix WIP) Saul Cross Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
12/08/04 Epos (Turrican Symphony 2004) Markus Siebold Stefan Hartwig Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
12/08/04 Ocean Loader 3 - Rockin' Mix Stafford and Clayton Marsland Peter Clarke Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
12/08/04 Noisy Pillars (Italo Mix) Yogibeer Jeroen Tel Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
12/08/04 Delta+ Weebl Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
12/08/04 R-Type (Doppelganger Summer Remix) Lagerfeldt Chris Hülsbeck Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
12/08/04 Calm Juha Kaunisto Kenneth Mutka (Slaygon) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
12/08/04 The Last Ninja (lv1 extended remix) Putzi Ben Daglish Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
20/08/04 Navy Moves (Rocky mix) Solknight Jeroen Tel Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
20/08/04 Synth Dive LMan Michael Winterberg Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
20/08/04 Bignoses USA Adventure! gol Steve Barrett Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
20/08/04 Target Renegade (Ambient Remix) Teo Gary Biasillo Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
20/08/04 Rambo III (remake) Pavel Pok Jonathan Dunn Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/09/04 Rastan Glyn R Brown Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/09/04 Back In Time Branko Balsic László Simon (Roy) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/09/04 Calling (MegaWarhawk Apocalypse mix) Kent Walldén Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/09/04 Day Noter Kent Walldén Lukasz Baran (Glover) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/09/04 Hat Trick (Plushy remix) Dees Alexander Rotzsch (Fanta) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/09/04 Human Race (Tune 4) Alternative Rock Mix deVilhoOD Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
30/09/04 Sweet Marcel Donné Johannes Bjerregaard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/09/04 The Eidolon LMan Charlie Kellner & David Levine Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
01/10/04 Arkanoid (SID No More Mix) Makke Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
01/10/04 Dexion Demo (Louder Than Satan Mix) Makke Kim Christensen (Future Freak) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
01/10/04 Bombo (Tune 1) Romeo Knight Ben Daglish Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
11/11/04 Test Drive 2 (Late Night Test Driving) Raven Squad Kris Hatlelid Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
11/11/04 Stranger in a strange land (Polysixtyfour mix) Joe [Stainless Steel] Barwick Reyn Ouwehand Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
11/11/04 Outrun SplashWave (Klappstullen Remix) Animal Jason C. Brooke Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
11/11/04 To be on Top - Tune 3 (Experimental Dance Mix) Sinopeus Chris Hülsbeck Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
11/11/04 Robocop 2 - tune 1 - RMX Branko Balsic Jonathan Dunn Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
11/11/04 Trolls (Evil trolls from the dark forest mix) X-formZ Adam Gilmore Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
20/11/04 Azz Jazz (rmx) Dafunk Volker Meitz (PRI) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
20/11/04 Dwarf Fly (Ziehung der Lottozahlen Double Edition) Fanta Klaus Grøngaard (Link) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
20/11/04 Hard'n'Heavy Level 2 Feelio Chris Hülsbeck Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
20/11/04 Commando (Run Gun Shoot Remix) Aki Kivela Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
22/11/04 Blowing (Serious UNZ Edit) DHS Søren Lund (Jeff) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
22/11/04 The Human Race (Bando alle Seghe) DHS Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
22/11/04 Body Slam Romeo Knight Tim Follin Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
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What's popular?

1 The Return (Remastered)
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2 Heaven
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Currently online

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Eternity by Antti Hannula (Flex)
Crapman by Fredrik Bengtsson (Båtsman)

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