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02/01/2025 13:59
Get the 185 remixes released during 2024 with a single click using the RKO 2024 torrent. And please help your fellow remix fan by seeding as long as you can.
27/12/2024 07:49
HVSC #82 has been released, so RKO now requires a valid HVSC 82 filename for your uploads.

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Yes and no. You are free to add the files obtained here to your music library and sync them to your MP3 player. But if you want to use them publicly in your youtube videos, stage plays, wedding ceremony or whatever you should ask the remix artist beforehand. Or at the very least give proper attribution. Partly because this stuff is created by nice people who make their work available for your free enjoyment and partly because it's the right thing to do. Also, please bear in mind that the music available on Remix.Kwed.Org is based on SID tunes that are still under copyright by the artist who created the original tunes.

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Date Title Arranger Composer Rating
06/05/13 Monty On The Run (Hi-Score) Emzed Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
03/05/13 Inspired (Ein trauriger Fall) Peacemaker Morten Kristensen (MSK) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
03/05/13 Get A Long Little Sanxion ScareCrow Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
03/05/13 Fawn of Creation Peacemaker Ole-Marius Pettersen Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
01/05/13 Hyperzapper (trancy edit) Chronberg Søren Lund (Jeff) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
01/05/13 Nemesis The Warlock Maf Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
26/04/13 Green Beret (Mist On Me remix) Mario Barbierato Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
26/04/13 Rottekongen (Clouds and Wings) Peacemaker Ole-Marius Pettersen Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
26/04/13 Gerry the Germ Mongo Erectus Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
20/04/13 Dragons Lair part 2 (testify now) Peacemaker Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
20/04/13 International Sports Challenge (MD Remix) Martin Dodd Lech Balcerzak Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
16/04/13 LAST V8 [live yt vid] LukHash Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
16/04/13 ALIEN [live yt vid] LukHash Paul Clansey Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
15/04/13 Monty on the Run (high score) Johan Andersson Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
15/04/13 Last Ninja 2 The Street (InGame Lv. 2) Ma8tr1xx Matt Gray Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
15/04/13 SPY vs SPY [live yt vid] LukHash Nick Scarim / Copyright (C) 1984 First Star Software Inc. Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
13/04/13 Gem'X (Polished Stones Remix) ionbladez Chris Hülsbeck Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
08/04/13 Break Thru (your eardrums mix) Marcel Donné Fred Gray Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
08/04/13 Bump Set Spike (Schizo Classical Remix) Nicklas Schmidt Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
05/04/13 Last Ninja (One Step to doubt) Peacemaker Ben Daglish Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
05/04/13 Giana Sisters cyanuric Chris Hülsbeck Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
05/04/13 R.I.S.K. Johan Andersson Wally Beben Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
25/03/13 Rambo First Blood Part II (in game) Mark Stothard Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
25/03/13 Robin Of The Wood (New Age Remix) Martin Dodd Unknown Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
16/03/13 Rambo First Blood part II (high score) Johan Andersson Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
16/03/13 Giana Sisters (Upper World Arena Remix) Anders Hesselbom Chris Hülsbeck Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
15/03/13 Training (Kicks with a punch Remix) AcidBlock Jens-Christian Huus Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
10/03/13 Little Fish Anders Hesselbom Jaroslaw Burkacki (Ozone) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
07/03/13 Magic Disk 64 (90's Euromix) Instant Remedy Thomas Detert Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
06/03/13 Frontpage 15 - The Rewrite AndyUK Marco de Jong (Hithouse) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
06/03/13 Ocean Loader 2 Mario Barbierato Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
05/03/13 Last ninja 3 (The Good the Bad and the Ninja) Mano Reyn Ouwehand Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
05/03/13 Magic Marbles Anders Hesselbom Unknown Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
05/03/13 Spellbound (Make It Louder) druu Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
27/02/13 Polished Plastic Piano (Modified Music Mix) Vred Tomas Danko Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
27/02/13 Acidjazzed Evening Mordi Glenn Rune Gallefoss Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
27/02/13 Parallax - Galways last shot (ambient mix) Parallax projection Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
23/02/13 Kosci Zostaly Rzucone (ElectroClassical Mix) Chris Prattini Michal Kasza Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
19/02/13 Monty on the Run (Run Mole Run mix) Fiver T.J. Fox Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
14/02/13 Ocean Loader 2 Johan Andersson Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
13/02/13 Green Beret (Chillout ReMix) PowerTrace Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
13/02/13 Parallax (Galways shot mix) prof_ethan Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
09/02/13 The Last V8 Breaker Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
03/02/13 Arkanoid (2013) Analog-X64 Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
31/01/13 A Trace of Space Mordi Thomas E. Petersen (Laxity) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
31/01/13 International Karate (Analog) Peter Morck Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
27/01/13 Outrun Europe Levels Extended Euromix Phekkis Jeroen Tel Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
25/01/13 Last Ninja 2 (Loader Lv. 1) Ma8tr1xx Matt Gray Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
24/01/13 Outrun Europa - Stage 4 Spacetrip Remix Phekkis Jeroen Tel Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
23/01/13 Maniax (Nebula Draconis Mix) Monty Oliver Kläwer Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
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