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02/01/2025 13:59
Get the 185 remixes released during 2024 with a single click using the RKO 2024 torrent. And please help your fellow remix fan by seeding as long as you can.
27/12/2024 07:49
HVSC #82 has been released, so RKO now requires a valid HVSC 82 filename for your uploads.

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Yes and no. You are free to add the files obtained here to your music library and sync them to your MP3 player. But if you want to use them publicly in your youtube videos, stage plays, wedding ceremony or whatever you should ask the remix artist beforehand. Or at the very least give proper attribution. Partly because this stuff is created by nice people who make their work available for your free enjoyment and partly because it's the right thing to do. Also, please bear in mind that the music available on Remix.Kwed.Org is based on SID tunes that are still under copyright by the artist who created the original tunes.

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Date Title Arranger Composer Rating
12/03/10 Break-up Chabee Thomas Mogensen (DRAX) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
19/08/20 A Trace of Space (album premix) SIDrip Alliance Thomas E. Petersen (Laxity) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
01/05/09 Spellbound (Final Assault) Amok Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
06/09/15 Last Ninja 2 - Central Park ingame (tsr remix) tsr Matt Gray Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
24/07/01 Firelord Krister Nielsen Ben Daglish Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
23/02/05 Cucumber Juice 2 (Threesome ReMiX) Dees Ari-Pekka Paljakka (Zardax) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
23/11/05 Headache (techno rmx) Dafunk Stefan Berglind (Doxx) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
20/02/21 Turrican 2 - Intro Imbehiiri (PsyMi) Markus Siebold & Stefan Hartwig Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
22/11/06 snowflakes in summer (malco remix) malco Neil Baldwin (Demon) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
16/03/13 Giana Sisters (Upper World Arena Remix) Anders Hesselbom Chris Hülsbeck Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
05/04/13 Last Ninja (One Step to doubt) Peacemaker Ben Daglish Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
10/07/01 Operation Wolf (Touched By The 80s Remix) Sonic Wanderer Jonathan Dunn Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
10/06/05 Darkman Westerling Jonathan Dunn Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
13/01/02 Knucklebusters Pt1 (surprise cop show edit) Tim Forsyth Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
27/01/08 Fairlight (East Sussex remix) Chronberg Graham Jarvis and Rob Hartshorne Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
15/01/24 To be on Top BeeZerk Chris Hülsbeck Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
27/09/18 Speedball (Hanz Meyzer 80s Remix) Hanz Meyzer David Whittaker Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
04/07/00 Zak McKracken (Mindbend This) Dr Doom & Komatr:ohn Matthew Kane Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
14/09/16 Thrust Philip Bak Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
04/09/02 Crazy Comets (Komet Non-Stop mix) Makke Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
27/12/11 I don't need no love Dafunk Dejan Subotin (DaFunk) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
10/08/00 Judge Dredd (RA3 edit) Dr Doom & Komatr:ohn Neil Brennan Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
15/07/07 Tronic (mit mehrfarbigen vinyl) Morten KORG Oliver Kläwer Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
11/03/11 Darkman Ferrara Jonathan Dunn Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
08/07/20 Rock'n Wrestle (grand piano) Paul Nelsen Neil Brennan Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
11/03/15 International Karate (Renoise Chiptune Edit) Hanz Meyzer Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
09/01/02 Parallax Stroll (Prototype Mix) Slow Poison Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
21/12/05 Spaghetti Western Simulator Endrõdy Gábor Andy Morton Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
01/11/15 Commando (rock mix) Johan Andersson Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
05/01/01 Druid II Remix Red Devil David M. Hanlon Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
19/05/11 Shadowfire (first attempt) Canvas Fred Gray Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
09/06/05 X-OUT mikka Michael Hendriks Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/12/21 Rastan OJ Oscillation Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
03/06/07 Re-Bounder The St. Albans Rob Hubbard Fan Club Ben Daglish Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
27/10/00 Turrican II Loader (LManic Mix) LMan Stefan Hartwig Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
03/06/01 Enigma Force LMan & Sunflower Fred Gray Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
29/06/24 Rockford 7DD9 Jason C. Brooke Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
19/02/15 Tai-Pan sub. 4 dubstep MRT Peter Clarke Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
03/07/13 Master of Magic Anders Hesselbom Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
01/06/22 Enforcer (Title Remix) CZ Tunes Markus Siebold Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
13/03/21 London Demo Eivind Sommersten Reyn Ouwehand Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
21/02/04 Thrust 2k4 Marc Girard Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
30/11/08 Milk Race (Wrapped In Plastic Mix) Martin Dodd David Whittaker Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
23/11/11 Commando Highscore Live Piano Concert Noviello Pippo Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
05/06/09 Hovercraft (Nachtmission) Ic3m4n Johan Åstrand (Zyron) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
19/06/05 Elektro Lok (Allgemeine Frequenz) Das Karl Werk Projekt Mark Waldaukat (Heinmukk) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
21/12/20 Last Ninja 2 Central Park Ten Years Later JPH Matt Gray Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
15/09/00 Panther Boz David Whittaker Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
07/03/19 Thrust (Full of Oxygene Remix) BaR Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
24/11/10 Jack The Nipper (Nippy Little Bugger) vurtX Ben Daglish Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
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What's popular?

1 The Return (Remastered)
Very Good
2 Heaven
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Currently online

5075 tunes by 1110 artists

5 random SIDs (opens in DeepSID)

Zaterdagavond by Guido Leenders (2121)
Mega Micro (part 2) by Tomas Danko
Escape from New York by Benjamin Dibbert (Nordischsound)
Revolution (raytracing) by Péter Molnár (Peet)
Worktune by Thomas Mogensen (DRAX)

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