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02/01/2025 13:59
Get the 185 remixes released during 2024 with a single click using the RKO 2024 torrent. And please help your fellow remix fan by seeding as long as you can.
27/12/2024 07:49
HVSC #82 has been released, so RKO now requires a valid HVSC 82 filename for your uploads.

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Yes and no. You are free to add the files obtained here to your music library and sync them to your MP3 player. But if you want to use them publicly in your youtube videos, stage plays, wedding ceremony or whatever you should ask the remix artist beforehand. Or at the very least give proper attribution. Partly because this stuff is created by nice people who make their work available for your free enjoyment and partly because it's the right thing to do. Also, please bear in mind that the music available on Remix.Kwed.Org is based on SID tunes that are still under copyright by the artist who created the original tunes.

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Date Title Arranger Composer Rating
18/12/00 Last Ninja 2 (Basement loader) Peacemaker Matt Gray Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
10/04/06 Lightforce (Komische Mischung) Peacemaker Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
15/12/00 Miami Vice Loader Peacemaker Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
09/11/02 Ocean Loader 2 Peacemaker Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
27/02/04 Quadrant Subtune6 (My Endless Silkroad) Peacemaker Thomas Detert Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
26/04/13 Rottekongen (Clouds and Wings) Peacemaker Ole-Marius Pettersen Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
10/01/09 Scumball (dirty rough and brutal) Peacemaker Tim Follin Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
03/05/03 Thanatos (Chemical in Your Brain Remix) Peacemaker Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
22/01/09 The Suicide Commando of a Green Beret Peacemaker Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/10/02 Wizardry (Meets Bach) Peacemaker Graham Jarvis and Rob Hartshorne Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
12/03/08 Cybernoid II Peet-64 Jeroen Tel Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
28/05/15 Last Ninja (Ninja Revenge mix) Pepe Pinapple Ben Daglish Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
21/03/19 Last Ninja - Subsequent Mix (Live) Pepe Pinapple Ben Daglish Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
01/11/15 Remember The Ghosts (Cauldron 2 Subtune 09) Pepe Pinapple Richard Joseph Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
28/05/15 Spy Vs Spy (Data Retention Remix) Pepe Pinapple Nick Scarim / Copyright (C) 1984 First Star Software Inc. Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
13/05/15 Cooperation Demo (Future Freak) PeppaJP Kim Christensen (Future Freak) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
13/05/15 Gerophobia (Christmas aches mix) PeppaJP Gerard Kubiny Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
13/05/15 Ice Cold (Tribute to Rock and J.Bjerregaard) PeppaJP Sami Seppä (Rock) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
05/04/03 Noisy Pillars - Subtune 2 (Sea of Passion) PeppaJP Jeroen Tel Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
13/05/15 Rainy Days (Think Twice III) PeppaJP Jeroen Kimmel (Red) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
13/05/15 Rasputin PeppaJP Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
13/05/15 The Vindicator PeppaJP Jonathan Dunn Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
12/07/00 Parallax Peppy Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
12/07/00 Sanxion Peppy Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
12/07/00 Sanxion (Extended) Peppy Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
06/05/02 1942 High-Score Theme (You-were-there mix) Perhaps-a-Doobie Mark Cooksey Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
23/10/01 Arkanoid (Vocanoid a-crapella mix) Perhaps-a-Doobie Martin Galway Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
29/10/01 Monty on the Run Hi-Score (Club Singer mix) Perhaps-a-Doobie Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
04/01/05 Think Twice III (Now You're Not Here) Perhaps-a-Doobie Jeroen Kimmel (Red) Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
05/05/21 Afterburner (High Energy Prog Mix) Peter Clarke Jeroen Tel Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
20/04/23 Bubble Bobble (Encore64) Peter Clarke Peter Clarke Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
08/09/14 Bubble Bobble Philharmonika Peter Clarke Peter Clarke Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
05/10/23 Complications - (E500 Funky Soul Mix) Peter Clarke Tomas Danko Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
09/05/20 Cybernoid II - The Alt-Rock Mix Peter Clarke Jeroen Tel Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
04/10/19 Defender of the crown (The Elf's Story) Peter Clarke Richard Joseph Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
30/08/19 Firelord - Symphonic (a nod to Glyn) Peter Clarke Ben Daglish Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
22/02/12 Flimbo's Concerto (Opus 12 in C major) Peter Clarke Reyn Ouwehand Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
09/01/18 Mission of Mercy (Film Score) Peter Clarke Peter Clarke Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
09/01/18 Monty gets orchestrated (2018 Remix) Peter Clarke Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
31/07/11 Monty on the Run (Monty Gets Orchestrated 2011) Peter Clarke Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
22/07/19 Nemesis - The Arrival (1st Wave) Peter Clarke Unknown Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
28/09/11 Ocean Loader 3 (21st Century SID Remix) Peter Clarke Peter Clarke Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
28/09/11 Ocean Loader 3 (Cinematic remix) Peter Clarke Peter Clarke Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
21/04/23 Ocean Loader III (Encore64) Peter Clarke Peter Clarke Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
25/07/19 Shadowfire (The Retro Remix) Peter Clarke Fred Gray Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
17/08/20 Space Harrier Peter Clarke Mark Cooksey Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
21/04/23 Stationary Ark (Encore64) Peter Clarke Georg Feil Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
28/11/24 Supremacy (Encore64 V2) Peter Clarke Jeroen Tel Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
19/08/19 Tai-Pan (an ear movie) Peter Clarke Peter Clarke Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
18/08/20 Tales of Boon (The Collaboration Mix) Peter Clarke, ziona & Slaygon Thomas Detert Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
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What's popular?

1 The Return (Remastered)
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2 Heaven
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Currently online

5075 tunes by 1110 artists

5 random SIDs (opens in DeepSID)

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Clavi on C by László Vincze (Vincenzo)
Tekkno Boom by Marcel Sasik (Imaic)
Space Dream by André Buerger (AEG)
Stop Coder's Naughtiness(tune 5) by Unknown

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