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02/01/2025 13:59
Get the 185 remixes released during 2024 with a single click using the RKO 2024 torrent. And please help your fellow remix fan by seeding as long as you can.
27/12/2024 07:49
HVSC #82 has been released, so RKO now requires a valid HVSC 82 filename for your uploads.

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Date Title Arranger Composer Rating
01/07/19 Star Paws vs R.I.S.K. Johan Andersson Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
04/07/19 The Last V8 (Chillout mix) LPChip Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
04/10/19 Delta (fasten your seatbelt ska mix) Johan Andersson Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
14/10/19 Monty on the Run - High Score JB Xplodingfist Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
21/10/19 IK+ (Bergen Boogie Remix) ALPA Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
24/10/19 The Last V8 (Metal Tribute) XxDUSTYxX Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
24/10/19 Lightforce (ft Lea) Mordi Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
24/10/19 Lightforce Slaygon Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
24/10/19 Dominando (BITLive 2019 Remix) DMC Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
28/10/19 LN2 - The Mansion ACE II (Stealth intAIRsection) SIDNIFY Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
29/10/19 Commando HiScore (Just Whistling) LaLa Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
11/11/19 Warhawk (There4am Remix) Wobbler Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
18/11/19 Space Control Remixperience (Live Theremin Mix) Martinland Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
27/11/19 Warhawk Pixiedust manganoid Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
09/12/19 Commando HiScore (Smooth Rock) Underphil Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
11/12/19 Commando vs LN2 Street Loader (blues mashup) Johan Andersson Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
17/12/19 The Human Race MRT Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
27/12/19 Warhawk (Synthwave mix feat dr.blitzen) Martin Dodd Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
13/01/20 Commando Puffy64 Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
26/04/20 W.A.R. V. Kaufmann Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
11/05/20 Cyber Biker (surf mashup) Johan Andersson Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
29/05/20 Saboteur II (western mix) Johan Andersson Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
18/08/20 Zoids [epic vocal soundtrack] Anthony Walters Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
18/08/20 Phantoms of the Asteroid (Arok edition) Infamous Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
25/08/20 Lightforce Infamous Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
06/09/20 Dragons Lair Part II Slaygon Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
17/09/20 Spellbound (Remix64 v2) Thomas Detert Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
08/10/20 LightForce Frida (Dina of Dark) mix Abynx Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
16/10/20 Thanatos (Remix64 V2) Markus Schneider Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
14/11/20 Commando High Score - Pull out the bullets Gavin Graham Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
11/12/20 Commando Highscore (Christmas Edit) CZ Tunes Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
21/12/20 The Last V8 (Locked Down Remix) Graeme Slapp Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
23/12/20 Monty on the Run (high score revisited) Johan Andersson Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
08/01/21 Commando GEC Remix GEC Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
22/01/21 Human Race (Welcome To Goldrunner) The St. Albans Rob Hubbard Fan Club Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
25/01/21 Knucklebusters [Cinematic 64] Slaygon Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
10/02/21 Dragon's Lair II - King Lizard DarkMedieval Remix Fabio Marinelli Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
10/02/21 Commando Highlife (Christmas Carols in St. Albans) The St. Albans Rob Hubbard Fan Club Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
18/02/21 Dragon's Lair II - subtune 4 (Renaissance prelude) Fabio Marinelli Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
08/03/21 Delta (lost in space mix) 0supereg0 Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
09/03/21 IK+ Club Mix Phrygian Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
09/03/21 Delta (Victory) Dr Future Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
11/03/21 Delta (Trouble in Tribble Town) 0supereg0 Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
16/03/21 International Karate GEC Remix GEC Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
23/03/21 Commando High-score (bullboy command mix) Bullboy Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
16/04/21 Commando High-score (sthlm syndrome mix 2021) Bullboy Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
19/04/21 Delta - S12 - Metal Tribute (2021 Rework) XxDUSTYxX Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
19/04/21 The Human Race (Calling Atlantis Edit) Dr Future Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview] Remixers Website
29/04/21 Warhawk Of The Worlds The St. Albans Rob Hubbard Fan Club Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
04/05/21 Sanxion Makke Rob Hubbard Rating [SID] [Lo-Fi preview]
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What's popular?

1 The Return (Remastered)
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2 Heaven
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Currently online

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Nanako in Classic Japanese M.C. by Sascha Zeidler & Mikael Backlund
Move Out (preview) by Matthias Hartung (The Syndrom)

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